The RSBO is proud to support scientific publication and knowledge transfer. We are happy to launch a new program to alleviate the costs of publications to our members and trainees. To be eligible, the applicant should be a member or a trainee working for a supervisor or co-supervisor who is a regular member of the RSBO. The applicant should be the first author of a publication accepted on a peer-reviewed top ranking journal (rated in the 1st quartile of its category according to the Incites JCR Thomson Reuters: Moreover, the content of the manuscript should be in line with the RSBO research priorities. The program will cover the Open Access expenses up to $2,000. A maximum of 5 awards will be offer during our fiscal year.
Eligibility Criteria
- Be a regular member of the RSBO or a student enrolled in a Master’s or Doctoral program in a Quebec university and be supervised or co-supervised by a regular member of the Network.
- Submit a project consistent with the Network’s research priorities and in compliance with the ethical rules in force in the institution associated with the research;
- Have an official letter from the Editor-In-Chief confirming the acceptance of the paper and the author’s involved.
- Only one application as first author may be submitted per year. However the applicant can be co-author on another publication supported by this program.
- Preference will be given to articles presenting innovative multidisciplinary collaborative studies that will have a potential impact on research or people’s health.
- The RSBO is expecting acknowledgement of that support in the publication
- Required documents
- Please fill this form: formulaire_publication_EN
- A short C.V. (3 pages maximum)
- A letter from the Editor-In-Chief confirming acceptance of the publication.
- The expenses will be reimbursed upon presentation of all receipts and proof of payment (credit card statement).
Documents should be send as one Word or PDF document by email to:
Intissar Abbaoui
Réseau de recherche en Santé Buccodentaire et Osseuse