Contest Deadline: June 5, 2023
Results announced: from July 24, 2023
Novelties for 2023:
- The RSBO will support the activities of infrastructures that bring together several researchers and/or infrastructures, that are used by several researchers and/or are used for student training.
- Possibility to create a consortium: we offer to improve our support for infrastructures that come together in a consortium around the same major theme. The budget could reach 50,000$for a consortium including 2 infrastructures, and 80,000$ for a consortium including 3 infrastructures. To be considered as a consortium, the infrastructures must meet the following criteria:
- a unique management system,
- a unique portal (web site)
- unique vision.
- We are offering a 5,000$ bonus to infrastructures willing to add a budget for knowledge transfer to RSBO trainees. These must include activities (webinars, visits, courses) open to trainees outside your institution. The RSBO will advertise all activities to all RSBO members.
Program Goal
The purpose of this program is to support the development or operation of common infrastructures for the proper functioning of laboratories in several members of the Network. This criterion is essential. The Network will not finance infrastructure only benefiting a small group of researchers or a single team. The infrastructure must offer researchers the resources Network and / or tools accessible to all and which they may not otherwise have access.
Infrastructure may be common technical platforms, databases / biological materials, or expensive equipment that requires high maintenance. Using these infrastructure charges may charge users for the maintenance and sustainability; but to get a grant from OSNR, a preferential price and easy access must be granted to members of the Network.
Publicizing a tool (website, leaflet, sending emails to members) must exist to inform members of the existence of infrastructure, its management and operation and user fees in the event. In the case of a register or data banks, approval of a hospital or institutional ethics committee is a mandatory prerequisite.
Eligibility criteria
- The application must be proposed by a group of at least 3 members and be driven by at least one regular member of the Network;
- The infrastructure must serve a minimum of five researchers, including Associate Members;
- Access must be open to all Network members who request it;
- The infrastructure must be viable with funding from sources other than the RSBO;
- Have a clear policy on access, management, services and / or user fees shown on a web page or can be found on the Network site.
Evaluation criteria
- The relevance and the strategic infrastructure for the Network;
- The leverage effects (joint grants, public and private investment partnership with the biopharmaceutical industry, etc.);
- Achievements (development initiatives, the Canadian radiation and / or international level, implementation of new practices or new policies, etc.);
- The added value to the scientific community;
- The role in training the next generation;
- The degree of networking of members (inter-university, interdisciplinary and interinstitutional) and the principle of inclusion.
Amount, funding period and compared to the end of the grant
- A minimum grant of $ 20,000 is granted for one year;
- The grant is renewable after filing a renewal application and evaluation of the application;
- A report is required at the end of the funding period to detail the use of infrastructure and scientific benefits including: leverage effects (scholarships, grants, etc.), the number of researchers and students who benefited , studies which she would have served and the number of resulting publications. You must recognize the RSBO of the support in any publication reporting results obtained with this platform or infrastructure, without which the publication may be recorded.
Guidelines: Guidelines program 2023
Documents to be submitted:
- Application form: Infrastructure support program 2023
- Letters of support where applicable (partnership certificate);
- Report at the end of the grant.
Applications must be submitted in PDF format (one single document per application) and mail to:
Intissar Abbaoui
Network for Oral and Bone Health Research (RSBO)
514-396 -1723