Aim of this program
a) to enable researchers from different sites, fields and sectors, to establish teams and to unite their expertise around various research topics
b) to support innovative approaches that could lead to grants from major funding agencies in health research
c) to generate knowledge that could ultimately have major impacts on clinical outcomes, applied research and public health.
Launch of the program: 20 December 2017
Application deadline: 15 April 2018
Notice of decision: 15 June 2018
Eligibility Criteria
• The principal investigator must be a regular RSBO member.
• The application for funding must include a minimum of 3 RSBO researchers from at least 2 different universities.
• A member may submit only one application for this competition, as principal investigator (or co-principal investigator).
• A researcher who received a grant in the 2015-2016 competition of this program as principal investigator (or co-principal investigator) cannot submit an application as principal investigator (or co-principal investigator) in the present competition.
Funds available
Maximum amount per funded project:
• Theme A: $25,000 per year
• Themes B and C: $50,000 per year
Maximal duration of the grant: 2 years. The second year of funding is subject to the submission of a progress report deemed satisfactory by the RSBO Executive Committee.
The total budget available for this competition is $125,000.
Conditions of Funding
Successful applicants funded through this program and any other persons working on the project must comply fully with the Fonds de recherche du Québec rules as stated in Les Règles générales communes which govern, among other things, eligible expenses.
Research Topics
During this transition year, the Executive Committee has chosen to renew two themes that were the subject of a request for applications two years ago (Theme A and B). Researchers who work on different research theme can nonetheless apply an application as long as their research topic is relevant to the RSBO mandate (Theme C “free”).
• Theme A: Accessibility to and promotion of oral and bone health care for vulnerable clienteles: The vulnerable clienteles include (non-exhaustive list) those with low incomes; people without dental insurance; elderly people living in institutions; aboriginal peoples; refugees and immigrants; those with disabilities; and people living in rural and remote regions.
• Theme B: Genetics/Genomics of dental, oral, craniofacial and musculoskeletal diseases. The goal is to better understand the genetics / genomics of oral, craniofacial and musculoskeletal diseases that have well-documented heritability. The ultimate goal is to develop effective diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive approaches.
• Theme C (free theme): Any theme that fits into the mandate of the RSBO.
To apply, please complete the application form.
Send the complete application form, signed by all principal investigators, to by 5:00 pm on April 15, 2018.
Evaluation criteria
• Scientific excellence of the proposal;
• Quality of the team (Level of networking and partnerships; Researchers’ CV);
• Quality of the project (Pertinence and innovation/originality; Anticipated benefits; Leverage effect; Budget and timetable)
See the Evaluation Grid
Communications requirements
Funded researchers in the context of this program must:
• recognize the support of RSBO in all communications and publications resulting from the project
• produce a mini-video (2 or 3 minutes maximum) at the end of the project in which the team will briefly describe the project in non-technical terms. Additional funding and support will be available for the production of this video.